Page Updates
March 23, 2025 -
- Blog post!
- New online story in the Library
- Followed some new peeps and added their buttons to Buttons and Links
- Fixed some Linkware Websets links - one site went dead and had to be replaced with a Wayback link and one just had some funky formatting.
- New additions to the Blog Links start at the bottom so I added a jump point going to the bottom of the page.
March 16, 2025 -
- Blog post!
- Added to pixel clubs - new bunny, kitties and pocket town buildings.
- Added new sites to Linkware Websets
- Followed someone and added their button to the Buttons and Links page.
- Updated Blog Links on the blog homepage
February 23, 2025 -
- Blog post!
- Updated info for Palmerston and Gladstone on the Government Cats and Riot Dogs page.
- Added a new item to the Toybox.
- Added another peep who also has recipes to the Recipes page.
- Followed someone and added their button to the Buttons and Links page.
- Couple of new kitties have joined Kitty Friends!
February 16, 2025 -
- Blog post!
- Made a list of all the Blog Links I've been including at the top of my blog posts.
February 12, 2025 -
- Blog post!
- Found some more peeps I follow who have recipe sections and added them to the Recipes page.
- Added items to the following pixel clubs - Fizzy Drink Vendor, Afternoon Tea and Bunny Garden.
- Made some formatting changes - links in all forms (active, visited, unvisited) should now have an underline.
February 2, 2025 -
- New entry in the Godzilla Chronicles!
- New kitty has joined Kitty Friends!
- Added an item to the Toybox
- New link on the Cats page under Cat Fun
- Made some very minor changes on the About Me page.
January 19, 2025 -
- Between now and the last update, 3 new kitties have joined Kitty Friends!
- Blog post!
- Slowly moving all the buttons on the Buttons and Links page into their own directory
- Followed some new people and added their buttons/links
January 5, 2025 -
- Added an item to the Toybox
- Blog post!
- Fixed a few things on some other pages
January 1, 2025 -
- New look! Technically a holiday webset but I think lit up palm trees are good year round.
- New kitty has joined Kitty Friends!
December 29, 2024 -
- Blog post!
- Followed some new peeps and added their buttons.
- Updated the Reading Log on the Library page with what is most likely the last entry for 2024. Also removed the 2023 Reading Log, with the intention of making that a separate file instead of being on that page hidden under details/summary.
December 22, 2024 -
- Blog post!
- Updated 2024 Reading Log
- Two new kitties have joined Kitty Friends!
December 15, 2024 -
December 8, 2024 -
- Blog post!
- Some new items in the Toybox
- A new house in Pocket Town!
- Followed someone and added their button
December 2, 2024 -
December 1, 2024 -
- Blog post!
- Added a Toybox to the Pixel Art page.
November 24, 2024 -
- Blog post!
- Did some housekeeping on the buttons and links page - added some, removed some.
November 17, 2024 -
- Blog post!
- Another new kitty in Kitty Friends!
- Updated some info on the Government Cats and Riot Dogs page (replaced Larry's Twitter link with a Bluesky one and got rid of the rest of the Twitter links)
- Hosted fonts locally on pages that have special fonts instead of having Google fetch them.
- New link in Fun Links - The Microscope Museum!
November 10, 2024 -
- Added some new following buttons and links to the Buttons and Links page
- Two new kitties joined Kitty Friends!
- New charm added to one of the Charm Bracelets
- Blog post!
November 3, 2024 -
- Blog post!
- Changed site from Halloween to fall theme
- Put 88x31 buttons on their own page
October 27, 2024 -
- New blog post!
- Added an awesome new cookie recipe to the recipes section
- Added a section to the Trick or Treat page - a Halloween div made for the 32-Bit Cafe Halloween event
- New page on the Mogollon Monster - another item created for the Halloween event. You can find it in the Miscellany section.
October 20, 2024 -
- Blog post!
- Checked to make sure links were still good on the Cats and Fun Links pages and removed "new" icons since it's been a long time since anything was actually a new entry!
September 29, 2024 -
- New kitties have been added to Kitty Friends
- Blog post!
- Trick or Treat page updated for 2024
- Website "decorated" for Halloween
- Reading log updated in Library
September 22, 2024 -
- New kitties have joined Kitty Friends!
- New blog post!
September 1, 2024 -
- Blog post!
- Moved pixel club images to their own folders and added items to several clubs
- New kitty joined Kitty Friends!
- Followed some new people and added their buttons
- Updated some items on the library page and added a new link to a directory of actively published science fiction/fantasy magazines
- Found out how to close a summary details section from the bottom so you don't have to scroll all the way back up to the top so put a "close" link at the bottom of my pixel journey section on the Pixel Art page
August 25, 2024 -
- Blog post!
- Fixed a link on the Fun Links page - updated the link to the adult coloring pages
August 18, 2024 -
- Blog post!
- Made an entry for 32-Bit Cafe's code jam #5 - it's the tuna page in Miscellany
- Followed a new peep and added their button
August 11, 2024 -
- Added some new follow buttons
- Fixed some links on the Government Cats and Riot Dogs page.
- Blog post!
- Created an RSS feed for the blog
- At least one new kitty added to Kitty Friends between the last update and this one
- Reading log in library updated - July's entries are in
July 28, 2024 -
- Blog post!
- Another graphics site went dark (Per-medjed Designs) so had to change the link to a wayback one. Unfortunately, this is one of those sites where the Wayback Machine didn't capture all of the graphics
- Commented out some follower buttons because it looks like they may no longer be on Neocities or active
July 21, 2024 (actually updated some of this last week but forgot to make the entry) -
- Updated several pixel art pages - added graphics, fixed links, etc, - and have started moving images for each pixel club into their own folder
- Followed some peeps and added their buttons/links
- Added a new government cat to Government Cats and Riot Dogs
- Lots of new kitties in Kitty Friends!
- New blog post!
July 7, 2024 -
- New kittys added to Kitty Friends!
- Blog post!
- Added June's reading log to the Library.
- Went through links on the graphics page and fixed some I had misformatted.
- On the Cats page I removed a personal site because they retired and were no longer keeping it up, removed a cross-stitch link because the item no longer exists on the site and added a link to a Medieval Cat Meme Maker.
- Replaced a link on the Credits page with a Wayback Machine link.
June 30, 2024 -
- Added 4 new sites to Linkware Websets page!
- Blog post!
June 23, 2024 -
- Added 8 sites to the Linkware Websets page
- New entry in the Godzilla Chronicles!
- New blog entry
- Found some misspellings on some pages and fixed those
June 21, 2024 -
- Made an entry for the 32-Bit Cafe Community Code Jam.
- Tinkered with link colors
June 16, 2024 -
- New blog post!
June 2, 2024 -
- Added May's books to the reading log in the Library
- New blog post!
May 26, 2024 -
- Added a new kitty to Kitty Friends!
- Wrote a blog post
- Switched guestbook links on Pocket Town and Kitty Friends pages
May 25, 2024 -
- Added a new follower button
- Created a new section - the Godzilla Chronicles!
- Replaced guestbook.
May 19, 2024 -
- Made a blog post last week but didn't do an update entry for it and also made a blog post this week
- Changed up the Linkware Graphics page - if the graphics site had a button, I replaced the link with that. Thought it helped to break up the Wall of Text!
May 5, 2024 -
- Updated the reading log and added a new online story for you to read in the Library
- Fixed the background image on the Ankhesenamun page
- Made a blog post
April 28, 2024 -
- 3 new kitties joined Kitty Friends
- Edited the Cats page
- Blog post
April 21, 2024 -
- Did some work on the graphics page - had to replace a link with a Wayback Machine link, added a couple new sites and fixed some descriptions. Also, since entries are now in alphabetical order instead of newest on bottom, I added a little "new" graphic so you can find the most recent entries easily.
- Added what I read in March to the reading log in the Library.
- Made a new header for the Charm Bracelets Pixel Club using adorable charm graphics from one of the sites on my graphics page.
- Blog post! Took a break last week but back with the weekly wrap up.
April 7, 2024 -
- Added new buildings to Pocket Town! And updated the e-mail address.
- Made a blog post
March 31, 2024-
- Followed a new peep and added the button
- Changed a link to a button on the kitchen page
Blog post!
March 24, 2024 -
- New blog post!
- Made an entry for the 32-Bit Cafe's 3rd Community Code Jam - look for it under Miscellany
March 17, 2024 -
- New kitty joined Kitty Friends!
- Added a couple new peeps and their links
- Worked on the Linkware Graphics page - rewrote descriptions so they weren't so wordy, standardized spellings (webset all the time instead of web set sometimes), deleted a couple sites that have gone dark and Internet Archive didn't save much :(
- New blog post!
March 10, 2024 -
- Added February's reading log to the library.
- Fixed some dead links on the graphics page by replacing with Wayback Machine links.
- Followed new people and added their buttons.
- New picture of cross stitch work-in-progress.
- Made a blog post!
February 24, 2024 -
- Updated the Cats page by removing the link to Maya's page. :( Also added a link to the personal sites.
- Added a lot of new links to the Linkware Websets
- Put some other pages under Miscellany
- Added a new kitty to Kitty Friends Pixel Club and also updated my email address on that page
- One of the peeps I follow made a new button so I replaced the old one
February 10, 2024 -
- Added 2 new recipes - Hot Chocolate and Pancakes for One
February 2, 2024 -
- Started the 2024 Reading Log in the library - this year I'm trying to do brief book blurbs, too
- Updated pixel clubs by adding items
- Followed some new people and added their buttons
January 6, 2024 -
- Changed out of my holiday theme to my every day one
- Combined the Interests section with the About Me
- Created a new section - Miscellany. For things that didn't quite fit elsewhere
- Added another site to the recipe page that also has recipes
- Updated the library page with my complete 2023 reading log and a breakdown by genre
- Fixed some broken links here and there
- Changed my contact email
- New blog post
December 8, 2023 -
- Updated the look for something seasonal but not in your face Christmassy. It's purple - I like it!
November 25, 2023 -
- New kitties have joined Kitty Friends, including some holiday kitties!
- Added a new link to the linkware websets page. Do you like guinea pigs? Because that new link is ALL GUINEA PIGS.
- New blog post!
November 4, 2023 -
- Many new kitties have joined Kitty Friends since the last update
- Dressed up the site for fall and in the process moved some buttons off the index page. Will I make a dedicated button page for them? Maybe! Or I might just put them back when I revert to the regular site look.
- Added some new peeps and their buttons
- Updated the library with books I read in October
- Added some new graphics sites to the Linkware Websets section
October 15, 2023 -
- Added some new peeps and their buttons/links
- More new kitties joined Kitty Friends!
- Made a special Halloween page with graphics for you to take - jars, globes and dollz!
October 13, 2023 -
- A whole clowder of Halloween kitties showed up to Kitty Friends
- Pocket Town was missing a cemetary so Paintkiller fixed that for us
October 1, 2023-
- Decorated for Halloween! Changed the look on the main pages and blinged the heck out of the index page with halloween graphics
- Added new member to Kitty Friends and new resident to Pocket Town
- Updated September's reading log in the Library
September 29, 2023 -
- Added new items to all the Pixel Clubs
- Changed CSS to have navagation graphics disappear on small screens and then fixed it again so the web credits and guestbook graphics didn't disappear
- Added 2 cross stitch pattern credits, including the one for the piece I'm currently working on
- Added a new section to Fun Links (Museums) and added a link
- Added a new recipe - Kitty Litter Cake
- Added new follower button
September 10, 2023 -
- Between yesterday and today 5 new kitties have joined Kitty Town!
- Joined the Hidden Source Community - a group dedicated to hiding things in the source code. There might be something in my index page source code.
September 4, 2023 -
- So many updates between the last one and now and I haven't kept track of everything! Ummm...added some new peeps, updated pixel clubs, did some behind the scenes rearranging of image directories, probably other stuff I'm forgetting.
August 25, 2023 -
- Added some new follower buttons to the index page
- Added new pixels to cliques - Lava Lamp Lounge, Fizzy Drinks, Charm Bracelets, Afternoon Tea, Kitty Friends
- Put a new link on the recipe page of a new peep who also has a recipe section
- Updated the 2023 Reading Log on the Library page
August 20, 2023 -
- Followed some new peeps and added their buttons
- Made a new page! The Library
- Added new items to the Afternoon Tea, Lava Lounge and Fizzy Vendor pixel clubs
- Put the Government Cats and Riot Dogs page I made for the 32-bit Cafe July Code Jam on the Shrines page
- Added four new recipes!
August 11, 2023 -
- Added a couple new followers on the index page
- Added new items to the Pocket Town, Kitty Friends, Fizzy Drink and Bunny Garden pixel clubs
- Changed the color scheme on the Pocket Town page so that the houses are now on a lighter background and more visible
- Added a couple new sites to the Linkware Websets graphics page
- Fixed some CSS styling on the Ea-Nasir and Ankhesenamum shrine pages so they aren't so squished on mobile
August 6, 2023 -
- Added items to various pixel clubs - new kitty, rock and charm
- New recipes - Fudge Brownies and Garden Herb Bread
July 30, 2023 -
- Added a few new recipes: cold brew cafe de olla, chicken and green chile enchiladas and hashed-brown zucchini
- Updated some pixel clubs: there's a new rock in the pile, a new bunny in the garden, a new lava lamp and a couple of new fizzy drinks
- New blog post
July 18, 2023 -
- Added cross stitch patterns to the cat page
- Made some minor updates to Maya and Celine's pages
- Lots of additions to the fun links page
- Several new linkware additions to the Graphics page and fixed a dead one
- For the Charm Bracelet Pixel Club I added new charms and divided the bracelet into gold, silver and rose-gold sections
- Added a couple new lamps to the Lava Lounge
- Added a new rock to the Kindness Rocks Pixel Club
- There's a new bunny frolicking in the Bunny Garden
July 13, 2023 -
- New kitty joined the Kitty Friends Pixel Club!
- Added a new charm the the Charm Bracelet Pixel Club
July 8, 2023 -
- Made a new section for the website - a recipe page!
- Joined a new pixel club - Kindness Rocks
- Added a lava lamp, a teacup and a bunny to their respective clubs
- Added a new links to the Fun Links page - Plug and Socket Museum, Garden of Blogs and a 404 page that's a game
July 2, 2023 -
- Changed the background on the fizzy vendor page - it looks very mid-century modern. I love it!
- Added two new pixel clubs - the Bunny Garden and the Lava Lounge!
- New resident added to the Pocket Town!
- Fixed some formatting/spelling issues on the cocktail and graphics pages.
June 25, 2023 -
- Added new items to various pixel clubs
- Added a new follow button
- Fixed some formatting on a couple of pages
- Added 2 new sites to the graphics/linkware page
- Made a blog post
June 23, 2023 -
- Revitalized another pixel club - Pocket Town! Go check it out in the Pixel Art section!
- Lost track of exactly what I've updated in pixel clubs but I believe I've added some fizzy drinks and some teacups
- Added a new button to the following section
June 18, 2023 -
- Added a new pixel club, one that I found languishing and am bringing back to life. Check out the Kitty Friends Pixel Club
- Made some fixes to the index page, like putting back the guestbook link that I somehow nuked and didn't notice for a while. Also added at least one new peep.
June 13, 2023 -
- Added a new follower button
- Added a new link to the Fun Links page - the personal blog of someone who is currently working at McMurdo Station in Antarctica. Cool stuff!
- Added some new charms to the charm bracelet and some teacups to afternoon tea in the Pixel Art area.
June 3, 2023 -
- Sometime between the last update and this one I added a pixel club to the pixel art page.
- But now I've given the pixel club its very own page! Check out the Afternoon Tea - link is on the pixel art page.
- And I joined a new pixel club - Charm Bracelet! Link is also on the pixel art page.
- Followed some new peeps and added buttons/links to the front page.
May 21, 2023 -
- Added some new graphics entries, fixed one that died :( and also renamed the graphics links to linkware websets so you know what you're getting into when you click the link.
- Redid the links page by putting section links up at the top of the page so people wouldn't get lost in a sea of links
- Followed some new people, added some buttons
- Added one new pixel creation to the pixel art page
- Made another site button
May 7, 2023 -
- Added 2 pages to Off the beaten path: Coolidge Dam and Arcosanti
- Added a new link to cat shopping on the Cats page
- Made a blog post
April 22, 2023 -
- Added some links to the Cats page
- New blog post!
- Added a new item to the pixel art page
- Added a new button to the following section on the index page
April 16, 2023 -
- Added more graphics to the Cats page
- Added at least one new follower
- Added a Communities section - I've joined 2 communities so far, one very new and one that's been around for a bit
- Made a blog post!
April 7, 2023 -
- Added a new link to the Cats section under Personal Pages and also added some new graphics
- Added a new pixel creation to the Pixel Art page - this one is a teacup I made for the Afternoon Tea Club
- Added a new link to the fun links page - the Museum of Cell Phones!
- New blog post
March 26, 2023 -
- Added new link to the graphics page
- Added more creations to the pixel art page.
- Followed a new peep and added their button.
- Added credit to the website credits page.
March 14, 2023 -
- Uploaded more of my creations to my pixel art page!
March 12, 2023 -
- Added a couple new links to the Fun Links page - crochet patters from the National Park Service and over 100 different ways to tie shoelaces.
- Also added two old tech links to the Fun Links page - an explanantion of modem handshake sounds and a video showing the amazing ability to use a rotary phone to dial in to get your email. Cutting technology in 1984!
March 5, 2023 -
- Added several links to the Fun Links page
- Added new follow buttons on the index page
- Took out the Endless Orbit webring link because my requests to change the website address have gone unanswered, leaving the widget broken for me
- Most likely have done some other stuff between now and the last update that I forgot to make a note of!
February 11, 2023 -
- So sad - had to remove some dead links from my follows - RIP wirescarryingme and Virtual Vault! Also, added some new peeps.
- added some new links to the Fun Links page - origami dinosaurs, adult coloring pages from various museums and libraries, a collection of TV station sign-offs and a combo html/band page.
- New shrine -this one a little more traditional, an ode to my beloved Blackberry.
- One of the old school graphics sites I listed on the Graphics page has been replaced with a 404 page. I left the site info up there but changed the link to the Wayback Machine. Also, added some new sites.
- added a progress picture to the cross stitch page.
January 29, 2023 -
- Put a solid color background against most of the text on the site for easier readability
- Made a new shrine! Check out my page dedicated to Ankhesenamun
- Added a new peep Did some housekeeping as far as changing some code, fixing some borked things, etc
January 14, 2023 -
- rearranged buttons on index page, added some, and found some buttons for peeps I follow so replaced their link with a graphic
- added a new link to the Graphics page
- updated the Credits page
- updated the Interests page
- added a new blog post
December 17, 2022 -
- Reordered buttons on the index page and added a prize button I found on a website
- Added the webrings back in - I'm over my huffy fit and I will see about getting them fixed
- Added new link to the Fun Links page
- New blog entry about my annual holiday trip to Vegas and all the tiki drinks consumed during said trip.
December 11, 2022 -
- New blog entry!
- Did some housekeeping on my following buttons.
December 4, 2022 -
- Removed the webrings. I left a message in their place explaining why I did that.
- Added several new links to the Graphics page. Go check it out if you need some retro circa late 90s/early 2000s web sets!
November 25, 2022 -
- Made a pixel art page
- Finally got around to pointing my domain name to neocities
November 10, 2022-
- Made a new Shrines page and added my first one!
October 30, 2022 -
- Followed some new peeps so added their buttons/links
- Made a blog post!
October 19, 2022 -
- I usually save updates for the weekends but I did a stealth update and added a few new peeps.
October 16, 2022 -
- Revamped the links section on the index page.
- Added a new section to the Interests page - Pressed Pennies! Also, retooled the very long lists in the computer games and podcasts sections so that the page doesn't involve endless scrolling.
- Added new links to the graphics page
- New blog post
October 9, 2022 -
- Added some new follower buttons on the index page.
- Added a new recipe to the cocktails page.
- Added some fancy text to the cats page.
- Also added a new blog post!
September 17, 2022 -
- Woohoo! Got the index page working thanks to my awesome son. I really liked the 2 column layout but it looked good on my 17" screen - not sure it really worked everywhere else. This new layout should be more mobile-friendly and not-my-computer-screen friendly, too.
September 16, 2022 -
- Revamped some pages, trying to make the code more responsive and simpler. I've redone Cats, Links, About, Cocktails and Interests.
- Also tried revamping the index page and I thought everything was looking good til I uploaded it and there were broken things everywhere. Ugh! Back to the drawing board on that one.
September 11, 2022 -
- Added some new follows and their buttons (if they had them).
September 2, 2022 -
- Made a favicon!
- Added to the Cats page - some personal (purrsonal?) sites, a shopping site and cross stitch pattern links.
- Used the new template with the simplified code for the Cats page and it's .... ok. I would like a little more space on the right side so I might tinker with that later.
- Followed some more cool sites and added their buttons to the front page.
- Got rid of the Disquis on the blog section.
August 27, 2022 -
- Did some housekeeping - added a follower, subtracted someone who deleted their page.
- Played around with changing the code for the secondary pages to something a little cleaner, hence the template2 page. I don't know if I'm going to change everything, kind of just wanted to see how it would play out.
- Made another blog post - short story, I learned how to make pixel art today!
August 19, 2022 -
- Dinked around with the spacing on the front page. What I'd really like to do is to have the links all line up but I don't think I can center them the way I have things coded now. That sidebar is a div and those are just images and a link list. I did at least make some more space between the images and the links and also got rid of some deadspace on the right side of the page, where I used to have another sidebar. Sometimes I think I need to start over and recode things cleanly and that's usually followed by thinking, yeah, that sounds like a lot of work, it looks fine!
- Added some link sections to the cats page. I have more links and sections planned but I just ran out of steam tonight.
- Added a link to someone I followed quite a while ago - not sure how the link never got placed but now it is!
August 13, 2022 -
- Gave Maya and Celine their own pages. I have ideas for the Cats page and needed the room.
August 12, 2022 -
- Exchanged a link for a button on my follows list.
- Added a home link on the blog page so you could get back to the main index page.
- Also added another blog post.
- Found some more center tags - honestly, every time I think I got them all some more pop up! - and replaced them with css.
August 8, 2022 -
- Added a blog!
August 7, 2022 -
- Added a new follow and updated an old one
- Created an About Me page!
- Added a couple links to the Fun Links page
- Been playing around with Zonelets because I think I might blog but still figuring out the css. Do I want it to match the rest of the site? Or look different? Hmmm...
- Ditched the music player. I would like to have music on my site - I've got some cool, weird stuff that someone might be interested in hearing! But not sure the Wix player is the way I want to do this.
July 23, 2022 -
- Made a new button and added it! Not sure how I'm feeling about it. Thought it looked good when I first made it but now I'm wondering if the text is too hard to read. Oh well, I made a thing .. again.. and I'm mostly proud of it!
- Removed a dead link from the following list (Amethyst Dreams, where did you go? Your site was looking so nice!) and exchanged a link for a button
July 17, 2022 -
- The cross stitch projects are back up! My problem was I was trying something out which ended up not working. I had added something to the style sheet in relation to this thing which did not work out which then didn't play nice with several of the javascript running things I've got going on.
- Went through the peeps I follow who did not have buttons originally to see if I could update with a button and 2 moved up to the button rows and one has mysteriously disappeared but I'm leaving that link on there for a bit because, who knows, could be a flaky internet thing. Hope they didn't leave because their site was looking good!
July 16, 2022 -
- Added some new follower's buttons
- Added new links to Fun Links and Interests (Podcasts) page
- Added more cross stitch projects. It looked fine earlier today but now I can't see any of the projects on the page. I'm also having trouble adding a webring widget and both of these things involve a script so maybe it's a temporary glitch? I hope so.
- Added a button on the individual entries on the Off the Beaten Path pages to go back to the main Off the Beaten Path page. Previously you could only go all the way back to the index page.
July 10, 2022 -
- Added a new follow
- Added a new section to Interests - Archaeology/Anthropology
July 3, 2022 -
- Followed another site and added their button
- Tinkered with the index site some more. Added some spacer bars, moved my button and follow me link to where the rest of the buttons are.
- Added a few more links to the Fun Links page
- Thinking about either a blog/journal or an about me page. Or both. Or neither. We'll see.
July 1, 2022 -
- Earlier this week I changed up the index page. Got ride of the right sidebar and put all the buttons and links of people I'm following in the main section.
- I learned how to make 88x31 buttons! I have no background in graphics so this was an accomplishment for me. I've made 4 so far. My lack of expertise shows but I'm tickled to death with them.
June 24, 2022 -
- Decided I absolutely needed animated rainbow borders somewhere on the site so found some code and plunked them on the Cocktails page. Also changed the recipes background because I think the darker color looks better with the borders.
- Added some more credits to the credit page.
- Added a link to the ACME Label Maker on the Fun Links page and also used it to make a new graphic on the home page leading to the website credits section.
June 17, 2022 -
- Added a couple new buttons/link for people who I've followed
- Added a link to the Fun Links page
- Messed around with the padding on the text on the index page, trying to make a little more space between that and the sidebar with all the following buttons.
- Added the code for the Endless Orbit Webring.
June 10,2022 -
- Added some more buttons for sites I've followed and also added some buttons for sites that originally only had a link
- Changed some things around on the home page, added another webring, added a music player. I am so excited about the music player!!
- Added a credits page because I've just been gathering up graphics like some kind of web pirate with properly attributing the sources. Aargh.
June 4, 2022 -
- Added a few more pics to the Cats page
- Sometimes I don't do a majory update, just something little like adding a button for a new follow and I think I'll remember to mention it in the updates but often I don't. So, I probably added a button or did something minor between the last update and this one.
May 21 2022 -
- Between the last update and now I've added some more buttons for new pages I've found to follow.
- Added a new entry to Off the beaten path - Nellie E Saloon AKA the Desert Bar.
- Added some more 88x31 buttons to the front page.
May 15, 2022 -
- After I "finished" updating yesterday, I got hit with inspiration and decided the index page menu needed graphics to go with the page titles.
- Added a new section to the Graphics page and added some entries to both sections.
- Added some CSS to change the line-height and wow, it was a little change but I really think it made a difference!
May 14, 2022 -
- I swear Neocities is messing with me. I know I removed all the center html tags but THEY WERE BACK. I have removed them. Again. We'll see if that sticks.
- Added a new entry to Off the beaten path, Galleta Meadows Metal Sculptures.
- Between last update and now added a few more buttons to the following section.
- Added a fancy colored cursor.
May 9, 2022 -
May 7, 2022 -
- Added a new section to Off the Beaten Path, the Purcell Murals.
- Thought I had taken out all the old html center tags but I think I did that and then created the previous 2 Off the beaten path with the center tags back in there. I'm telling you, I really like them and hate to see them go! So I think I fixed all of that. Hopefully my brain will remember this time that we no longer use the center tag.
- I have added at least one new button to pages I follow since the last update, possibly more.
- Not quite an update yet but it looks like I lost the guestbook - the link goes to a 410 Gone page which Google tells me means a site is gone gone. I will hold off on removing the link for a bit in case the page makes a miraculous reappearance.
April 30, 2022 -
- Playing around with adding another sidebar because the left sidebar was getting awfully looonnnggg. Not sure how I feel about the look. I think I like it? I am resistant to change even though I felt that change was needed so I'm going to leave this as it is for a hot minute and see if I can settle into liking it. My other option would be to put all the follows in their own page but then I would miss seeing all those buttons on the front page. Of course, this has broken the responsiveness of the page on mobile and I can't figure it out but am I truly worried about it? Maybe. I don't know.
- Added some new items to the Fun Links page.
April 29, 2022 -
- Added a new page! Cross Stitch
- Some sites I follow don't have buttons so I added links for them.
April 26, 2022-
- Followed some more pages and added buttons to the side if they had them.
- Got a shiny, brand new yahoo address (because someone already freaking has divergentrays on gmail and I don't *think* it was me. Was it? Hmmm...) and made an email link on the index page.
- Realized I had enough room in my sidebar to make the following buttons a row of 3 instead of a row of 2.
April 25, 2022 -
- Switched up the updates so newest are on the top.
- Split up the buttons on the bottom of the index page so now I have 2 rows instead of one looonnnggg row.
- Added at least one button of a page I just followed.
April 24, 2022-
- Followed some more sites and added their buttons.
- Fixed (I think) the photos on the cat page so that page is more mobile responsive.
- Thought the front page needed some more buttons so found some more 88x31s
- Fixed a link in the interesting links section and made all the links open in a new page.
April 22, 2022-
- Created a new page - Cocktail Lounge.
- Tried making the pages responsive by adding a media query. So, on my phone it does show that my two columns on the index page will now stack instead of ramming into each other but really, this is a site best viewed on an actual computer. Also tried making the cat pictures responsive and I think that worked.
- Changed the index page links going out of my site to open in a new tab.
April 18, 2022-
- Finished getting rid of all the html center tags. Boy, I do love me some centering.
- Followed a couple more sites and added their buttons to the index page.
- I keep thinking I need to rearrange this update page going from new to old. Will I? I'll probably keep thinking that every time I come here to add an update without ever actually doing it because THAT'S HOW I ROLL.
April 17, 2022 -
- I did not realize the html center tag had been deprecated. Worked on removing all the center tags from the index page. Mainly used div containers for multiple images but for single ones I used some inline css.
April 16, 2022 -
- Split off the fun links from the interests page and made them their own page. Also added another link to the group, Museum of Endangered Sounds.
- Tried some things to make the pages a little more mobile friendly - photos should resize, trying to get divs to stack when screen is smaller but not sure I'm there yet.
April 13, 2022 -
- Added another page to Off the Beaten Path - Shaffer Fish Bowl Spring.
- Started following some other pages, added their buttons to the sidebar.
April 10, 2022 -
- Got approved for the Yesterweb Ring so added that to the index page
- Made a separate folder for all the images because things were getting messy
- Created a new page Off the beaten path where I share some of the interesting, unusual places I've been
April 9, 2022 -
- Applied to some webrings (Yesterweb and null webring) - null ring is automatic so the link is at the bottom of the index page
- Added to the Interests page (Games:iPad and Switch)
- Made a button! It's at the bottom of the main page. Link to me, if you want! I'd be thrilled.
- Interests page was getting long so added a back to the top link
- Added a blinkie credit to Glitter Graphics
- Kitty pics resized and not hosted outside of neocities.
April 5, 2022 -
- Figured out that iframes isn't my friend and have resorted to an update page.
- Added some links to the fun section on the interests page and a new section on games I enjoy.
- Made a new title for the index page. Trying to figure out how much it bothers me that the title and the "welcome" aren't evenly centered with each other. I suspect it has something to do with them being in different containers. I think I'll live with it for the moment.
- Oh, also found some sparkly graphics for the cats page.
April 2, 2022 -
- trying to figure out an update box using the iframes tag.
April 1, 2022 -
- added Interests page and found some buttons for the home page.