Hello, it's been a while, hasn't it? Stuff happens and I'm like, I should blog about that, and then the moment passes. ADHD brain, what can I say?

Anyhoo, since my last post I have Done A Thing! I have revived 2 old pixel clubs, Pocket Town and Kitty Friends. I'm so excited about it and happy to see that others are joining, too!

I'm in a reading slump again. I have a book. I just don't like it. But I paid full price for a Kindle e-book and it's part of a series I've enjoyed by an author I really like and WHY DO I HAVE NO INTEREST IN THIS STORY??? I don't know but at this point I'm hate reading it. Usually I'll DNF (did not finish) a book and move on because, seriously, life is too short to read bad books. But, for the listed reasons, I feel compelled to finish this story. The book is Desperate Undertaking and it's the 10th in the Flavia Albia mystery series set in ancient Rome written by Lindsay Davis. I have loved all her other books. I have never been stuck like I am on this one. And I seriously can't put my finger on why I feel this is so uninteresting to me. And I have other books waiting to be read, that I would probably enjoy more than this one. Gah...

I've been watching some new TV shows. I finished American Born Chinese, which was very cute and thoroughly enjoyable. And I'm waiting for the last episode of Silo. I read the books that show is based on a while ago and I'm really liking the series. I think last time I blogged I was all excited about having found Veronica Mars. Well, I finished the first season and it was OK but then the 2nd season got stupid quick so I'm no longer on the VM love train.

So, not-reading, watching TV, working ... that's about all I've been up to lately. Oh, and pixeling! Till next time...