Linkware Websets
One of the things that I miss about the old web is all the wonderful graphics that were used in personal webpages. I think they all had an awesome look, from the pages that looked like a graphics directory threw up on them to the ones that had a very tied together look because they were created using a coordinating webset. This also makes me nostalgic because my mother was an artist at heart. One of the things she got really into was creating graphics using Paint Shop Pro and other programs.
I've found a bunch of sites that have "linkware" graphics. This is what I remember from my first foray onto the web. People would create coordinated sets and sometimes they sold them but sometimes you could get them for free. Here's a really neat blog posting from One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age that goes a little bit into the history of web graphics for personal sites evolving from a hot mess to coordinated sets.
Most of these sites have not been updated for a decade or more but there are still active ones out there. I'm not entirely sure if all of these websets will be functional. Many of them were made for a different resolution, use deprecated HTML and might have other issues. If you're good at HTML/CSS and really like the look of something, I'm sure there's a way to rework it into a modern framework.
I have recently cleaned up the listings. They are alphabetized now, the descriptions have been reworked so they aren't so wordy, spellings have been standardized (I had both "websets" and "web sets" - now it's just "websets") and I've listed more thoroughly categories and themes. Hopefully this will make it easier for you to search for something - sorry, no fancy tags or anything like that. You'll have to go old school and CTRL+F (Windows) or Command+F (Mac).
Old School Linkware/Freeware Websets and Graphics
Backgrounds (animated and static), buttons, holiday graphics, web page elements, page sets, themed graphics, page titles.
NOTE: Some of the web archive links have an extra link in the URL (a mediaclick link that looks similar to this: You can still get to the graphics but, if you see that extra link in the URL, you'll have to erase that part otherwise you'll get an error page.- Amanda's Amazing Graphics
This is a Wayback link so there are some missing graphics on the site but many are still here. Coordinated websets in a variety of themes: Children/Baby, Religious, Cat, Dog, Holiday, Character, Fantasy, Angel/Cherub/Fairy, Patriotic, Nature, Masculine, Floral, Miscellaneous, Victorian, Decorative, Country. There are also sets based off other artists' work. All sets have a download link, some of which still work! There are also Calling Cards, Snow Globes, Background Tiles, Notecards.
21 pages of desktop wallpaper backgrounds (1024x768). 28 pages of seamless tiles - click on the tile and it will open up a series of that basic tile styled with different colors, lighting, etc. Button blanks, small buttons, bars and a miscellaneous section that has animated buttons, a charm bracelet set (the elements look like those square Italian charm bracelets that were all the rage about 10 years ago) and other assorted graphics.
Websets, backgrounds, seamless background tiles, animated graphics, divider bars, snow globes and lots of other goodies.
Linkware websets in 12 categories: Angels, Cultural Influences, Deco Style, Elegance, Florals, Fun and Funky, Holidays, Kiddie Korner, Nouveau Style, Patriotic Pursuits, Rustic, Seasonal. This is a Wayback link. Some sets are all there, some are missing graphics. Some download links work, some don't.Back At Ya Designs
Several linkware sets availaable in several different themes like Holiday, Kids, Textured, Floral and Country. Wayback Machine didn't do a complete save on all the sets. At some point the owner password protected the pages so at certain dates on the Wayback timeline you get an error message stating Authorization Required.
Themed websets, tiled and bordered backgrounds, buttons, bullets, bars, clip art. Web sets come in the usual categories: Holidays, Occasion, but also Movie, Basketball, Football, Horror. Graphics zip files can be downloaded or you can copy images.
Background tiles, border backgrounds, blank buttons and banners, image bullets for lists. The backgrounds are pretty cool and there are pages and pages of them.
Mix of both left bordered sets and background tiles. Subject matter is a little of everything
Seasonal, Holiday, Angels, Fairies, Celestial, Nancy Drew, Toys & Games, Doves and a lot more.
Most of these websets are of the nested layers type in themes of Holiday, Inspirational, Floral, Seasonal, Kitchen, Scenic, Wedding, Animals, Country, Babies, Assorted, Animated.
Linkware websets in many themes: Angel, Animals, Artist, Christian, Country, Cute, Floral, Hearts, Nature, Victorian, Miscellaneous. Also backgrounds, calling cards and a section for holiday graphics.
I used this site back in the day when I had my first personal site. There are SO MANY CAT GRAPHICS - animations, bordered and tiled backgrounds, blinkies, care buttons and banners, clip art, icons, lines and dividers, web page sets, navigation buttons, menus, image maps and mouseover buttons.
90 websets in varying styles - lots of big-eyed fairies or girl characters. Navigate through the websets by clicking the Next button on whichever set you are currently looking at.
Backgrounds and bordered sets in holiday and every day themes, welcome signs, lines (including some cute ones that I haven't seen before, like a divider line that's one of those balls with the stretchy string that you try and hit with a paddle), "pics" which I think is just clip art and snow globes.
Websets in categories such as Seasons and Holidays, Teddy Bears and Animals and Miscellaneous which includes sets featuring Tea, Angels, Ballerinas, Veggies and more. Also available to download are blank banners, tiled backgrounds and sig tags.Country Colors
Themed websets using mouse drawn graphics. Animals, Holidays and General (which includes themes like Cholcolate, Mushrooms, Post Mail and many more.
Websets, graphics. The site "specializes in religious, spiritual and esoteric web theme graphics." Sections include world religions (Hinduism, Judaism, Taoism, Islamic, Christianity, Buddhism), Other Religious and/or Cultural Traditions (Egyptian Pantheon, Celtic Tradition, Greek Pantheon, Native American, Goddess, Wiccan) and Miscellaneous Themes (Angels, Astrology, World Peace, Ecology, Religious Holidays).
Websets, suites (web sets with a splash page), journal pages, one Halloween themed interface set. Sets have a link to a zip file which appears to be in working order.
Was this a game? A book? Both? I'm not sure but you will find 19 background websets and 9 backgrounds created with Adobe Photoshop, Bryce 2, Corel Photo Paint and Paint Shop Pro at this site. If you're into adoptables, follow the link to the main page and they have a large selection of click and takes which appear to be related to this game/novel/whatever it was.
Features 8 groups of Ensembles (websets), with each group having a variety of themes. 65 websets in the Ensembles alone. There are also Holiday, Seasonal and Fractal borders and websets. There are background tiles divided into Light, Medium and Dark textures or patterns as well as Metallic, Natural and Really Wild. There is a button section but these aren't 88x31s but rather the size of webset buttons. There are also bars, ornaments and a selection of wallpapers for various resolutions.
Numerous background tiles, both abstract and not, and border sets in various themes including Zodiac and Elements (earth, fire, water, air). There are links to sort sets by color or theme. Also buttons in various sizes and colors.- Eloquent Illusions
22 websets in various themes including Floral, Seasonal, People, Nature. Sets are available to download as a zip file that, as of 6/22/24, was still working. There are also several pages of patterned background tiles in various patterns. - Fallen Angel Designs
There are 3 websets on this site - a floral, a carousel horse and another floral that looks like stained glass. There are also snowglobes, calling cards, PSP tube pictures and Christmas ornaments.
Left border websets in a variety of science fiction and fantasy themes including: Fantasy/SF RPG (Herridon, Magefire, Northmarch, Alpha Bangaris, The Broken Lands), Planet Sign, Zodiac, Sailor Moon and Dragonball Z.
Themed websets for Holidays and Seasons. Graphics- butterfly, hats, animated, bumblebee, ladybug.
This isn't a forgotten site like so many of these are. The owner was moving on to another venture but she said she'd keep this site up for posterity. Lots of page sets here, some of them with a really unique look.Gardnbee's Hive
Themed websets - Spring, Faery, Summer, Birthday and Wildlife. You will see empty graphics on the pages but click on the blank square and it will bring you to the full set. Some sections she had linked to zip files, which the Wayback Machine did not save - for example, the Wildlife Timeline Set previews and also other sections of her site like Tag Snags and Wallpaper.- Green Goddess Graphics
Linkware websets created using artwork from various artists. Not all of her links appear to be working - several of them go to the same page on her site (looks like a template page maybe). Also, the download files are hosted at a site I'm not familiar with - - and my connection keeps getting reset when I try to get to it. This may be one site where, if the style interests you, just view the page source and see how it's done.
Snowglobes, calling cards, background sets, adoptions.
A collection of medieval-themed background sets and web graphics.- Graphics by Anaka
2 pages of websets, not categorized on site but seem to be mostly Genealogy, Holiday, Seasons, Scenic, Animals, Occasions, Floral. Images are meant to be right-clicked and downloaded. Graphics by Kathi
Huge amount of websets in categories I haven't seen elsewhere like Stained Glass, Wedgewood, Beadwork. Also traditional themes - Holiday, Floral, Scenic, Birds and Flowers. Also fun items like Stereograms (might have to play with the links in Wayback to get the page to load correctly), some fonts in a fancy gold metallic form, backgrounds, bars, ornaments.
Websets, backgrounds, buttons and bars, clip art, animated globes, PSP frames, animated cursors. Webset themes include Floral, Country, Children, Left Border, Double Border, Triple Sets, Top Border, Miscellaneous
Web page button sets, left border backgrounds, tile backgrounds and websets.
This website is referenced in the blog posting I link to in the intro paragraphs to this page. These are old school websets that were created as a coordinated suite with matching elements such as buttons, bars, graphics and so on. Categories are: Angel, Animal, Country, Designer, Executive, Fantasy, Flower, Genealogy, Fresh Flowers, Holiday (including Ramadan/Eid), Jeweled, Kids, Masculine, Miscellaneous, Nature and Victorian.
If you like guinea pigs, then this site is for you! Guinea pig backgrounds, snowglobes, websets, blinkies, all sorts of guinea pig graphics including a selection in various colorations - natural, glittery and fancy colors and patterns.
8 websets and a variety of backgrounds. If you hover on the background, the whole page changes to that particular one.- Ingutchini Graphics
Animal graphics. Websets featuring cats, dogs, birds and other animals. Graphics and PSP tubes of various animals, too. Also a selection of backgrounds. - The Inspiration Gallery
Incredibly robust collection of wallpapers and borders with matching backgrounds in a variety of subjects and styles. Borders and mini-borders come in: Acanthus Leaves, Angels and Cherubs, Animal Kingdom, Arabesque, Architecture, Art Noveau, Country Charm, Floral, Ivy and Laurel, Leaves, Other, Space, Transparent, Scenery, Swags, Victorian Keepsakes, Fruit, Just for Kids, Masculine, Novelty, Sports. Wallpapers come in: Acanthus, Country Charm, Damask, Floral, Ivy and Leaves, Marble, Moire, Mottled, Parchment and Weave.
Huge variety of page sets including interface sets.
Websets, bordered backgrounds, buttons and bars.
I found this site following links from another old graphics site. Unfortunately, this only exists in the Internet Archive but fortunately, the download links and graphics all seem to be there! I was absolutely entranced by her "Magic Carpet" web sets. I don't know why I like them so much but it's a cool riff on using frames and one that I haven't seen before.- Jan's Graphics
Graphics, blinkies, quilts, dolls, stamps. Pages and pages of graphics covering every topic - holidays, seasons, animals and so much more. - Julianne's Background Textures
50 background "swatch" (or tile) overviews arranged by color and pattern. Kari's Side
Websets, bordered backgrounds, triple border sets, calling cards, globes, blinkies, stamps, background tiles. Site is in Swedish with some English notation. AS usual with the Wayback Machine, some of the saves are not complete.Kelsey's Graphics Expressions
Web sets, bars, bullets, blank buttons, calling cards. Themes include Animals, Anniversary, Birds, Birthday, Children, Christmas, Country, Couples, Feminine, Florals, Ladies, Lighthouses, Teddies and Wedding.
Linkware websets. Categories are Babys, Toddlers, Fantasy, Elephants, Animals, Colours, Flowers and Miscellaneous.- Lamb's Grafix
Many holiday websets and graphics for Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving, Easter, Christmas. Other categories include Christian, Spring and Summer, Country and Signs, Sayings and Such. This is an old Geocities site. The graphics seem to be fairly intact but if a link brings you to a Geocities/Yahoo not found page, try choosing a different save from the Wayback Machine date bar at the top. Sometimes that works!
Webset themes which include Holidays, kids' themes like Cars and Space and cutesy country themes like Chickens, Gingham and Cozy Country Home. Also background tiles, adoptables, a few blinkies, and an assortment of various graphics.- Links Central
Dividers, backgrounds, websets, page sets, bordered backgrounds, tiled backgrounds, award frames, web set buttons. Seasonal, Holiday, large selection of various graphics. Page set previews will look like colored squares with nothing in them but once you click on them and it opens to the page, it's all there.
Triple background and bordered sets. Jeweled, Unicorn, Angels, Cats, Angels, Holidays, many sets based off different artists' works, and many other sets.Marsha's Graphic Garden
Websets in Holiday and Everyday themes (like Sewing, Bubble Bath, Lighthouse, etc). Some incomplete Wayback saves.
Websets, bordered backgrounds and tiled backgrounds in many different themes: Angels, Holidays, Floral, Wedding, Pets, Children, Denim, Music, Jewel, Kitchen.Miss Price Graphics
Websets in a variety of themes - Cats & Bees, Ladybugs, Bears, Holidays, Football (Soccer), School. The style is mouse drawn graphics in a country style. Wayback Machine did not save everything completely.- Mylea's Designs
Websets - Animals, Fantasy and Faeries, Holiday, Kids, Women, Christian, Sports. Also 3 pages of coordinated backgrounds.
Background sets, backgrounds (textures and patterns), buttons & bars, graphics.- Octagamm's Ball Boutique
In addition to balls both small and large, you can also find a large variety of buttons, bars, alphabets, backgrounds, animations, ovals, cubes and words.
Web graphics with a country flair. There are free graphics you can right click and save. Some of the sets are only partial sets. The rest of the set items were available on a CD and they are shown but in a reduced format. Categories included Southwest, Country Lane, Handmade in America, Sewing Bear Angel, Peaches n Cream, Frogs, Wedding, Baby, School, Kitchen and Buttons and Bows. There's also a section of free downloads of all manner of Labels, Logs, Recipe Cards, Shopping Lists and some coloring pages. Look for those under Miscellanous/Freebies.
Linkware websets in various themes: Historical, Ancient Cultures, Cultural, Floral and Nature.
Many websets in categories such as Nature's Jewels, Florals, Special Effects, Holidaze and Seasons, Botanicals, Jeweled, Plain and Simple and Kaleidoscope. She also has some mirrored background sets and Blogger templates. Sets can be downloaded and the link is currently working.
Websets in various themes - Cross Stitch, Country, Children and Teens, Jeweled, Floral, Victorian, Contemporary Artists, Holiday, Miscellaneous. The cross stitch sets are really neat. She doesn't go into detail as to how she made them, just says the images have been "manipulated" to look like cross stitch pieces and they do! There's also a selection of background tiles, printables (labels, tags, bags and boxes, etc) and a selection of really cute adoptables (although they've been watermarked with either a grid or SAMPLE).
Linkware websets, several with roll over mouse interfaces. There are sets inspired by fantasy worlds, science fiction, steampunk.
Backgrounds, theme sets, animations, psychedelic tiled backgrounds, holiday separates.
Themed websets - Holiday and Miscellaneous but which lean heavily to floral. Various backgrounds - tiled, butterfly, floral and textured.
8 linkware websets in various designs. The thumbnail opens up a new window which shows the entire set and has a download link. I tried a couple of them and they still work!- Silver and Gold and Thee
Websets in a variety of themes but heavy on the religious/inspirational. Categories include: Inspirational, Miscellaneous, Friendship, Scenery, Romantic, Children, 50s, Patriotic, Ladies, Animals, Memorial, Floral, Holiday, Humor, Seasonal and Christmas. There are also banner links for sets made in different years and also archived sets. I recently had to replace this with a Wayback Machine link because the site disappeared. I might end up pulling this listing because it seems that the Wayback Machine hasn't saved many of the actual graphics sets. - Silvercloud's Designs
Many websets available in themes including Dragons, Kittens, Jeweled, Unicorns, Floral, Mermaids, Angels, Fairies. Some sets are bordered and some are multilayer backgrounds.
Numerous websets in various styles including Seasonal and Wedding. Tile sets, table sets, double borders, backgrounds.- Stargazer's Galaxy
Page sets, buttons and bars, calling cards, and adoption graphics. Page set themes include: Anniversary, Wedding, Birthday, Floral, Christmas, Fantasy, Top Borders. - stephanie's thoughtful spot
2 adorable linkware websets based on Winnie the Pooh. One features Pooh and Eeyore, the other features the insects that decorate the pages of the Pooh books - the "flutter-byes and dragonflies". This set comes in both a tiled background or left-border background style. - Stormi's Touch Web Creations
This site has both websets in a variety of themes and over 20 pages of background tiles.
Very cool websets, many of them jeweled. My mom would have gone bananas for these. The sets are either side bordered or framed and come with a notice that they were created in 1999 for an 800x600 resolution and are "stylistically antiquated". You can right click and download the page elements.- TC Designs
Websets in a variety of themes with download links for a zip file that appears to be working. Also desktop wallpapers, buttons and bullets, avatars, clip art. Make sure you scroll down - on my browser, at least, there's a large chunk of white space before you get to the graphics.
Websets themed as Angel, Children, Floral, Jeweled, Miscellaneous, Outdoor, Special Occasion (includes both Seasonal and Holiday). There are also calling cards, interfaces and a bazillion backgrounds. Seriously, so many backgrounds but nicely set up for you to view! There are 21 categories. Clicking on a category will take you to a page where you can preview what the various backgrounds look like. Also, there are text examples in various colors so you can see what will show up best against that background. Lots of unique ones so be sure to look at it if you're looking for something out of the ordinary.- Ukragrafix
Websets and other graphics based off traditional Ukrainian embroidery designs. There is one style of complete webset available in 8 different colors. They are all in a .zip file and the download still works. There are also dividers, icons, wallpapers and sidebars.
Linkware websets in 46 categories, including Holidays, Seasons, events (Graduation, Anniversary, Birthday, etc), Animals, Scenery.
29 web page templates in various themes such as Holiday (including Kwanzaa and Chanukah which is nice to see because I rarely see winter holidays other than Christmas represented) and Kids. Also, a variety of mainly art deco alphabets and botanical icons.
Themed websets, tiled backgrounds, web page button sets, a gif collection. Webset themes include: By the Sea, Floral, Gems & Jewels, Holiday, Patriotic, Scenic, Special Occasion.

Websets featuring mouse drawn graphics in various themes such as Vikings, Dogs, Cats, School, Sweden, Holiday and Seasonal.
Newer Linkware/Freeware Websets and Graphics
Vintage cat graphics, cat calling cards, and a whole lot more.- DymunArt Creations
This link takes you directly to the webset selection, which is linkware. But check out the rest of her site. She has some tutorials, other clip art and graphics which aren't complete sets, and I'm not sure what a scrap kit is in reference to web graphics but she has those, too. Her latest blog entry was from January 2024 so I think even though this looks pretty old school it's kept up-to-date. -
This is one of the few old school graphic websites I've come across that seems to be current. Her sets come as a zip file with all the elements included. She has both Holiday and regular websets. - GifCities: The GeoCities Animated Gif Search Engine
This is a project from the Internet Archive. They attempted to archive as much of GeoCities as they could. There are bazillions of graphics here!
All the glitter, all the time. Great selection of glittery graphics.
All things glitter! Graphics, fills, names, tutorials and resources.- Graphic Garden
This site has a few free websets and a whole lot of graphics for sale. These are really cute teddy bear sets. There are also a lot of free printables - recipe cards, note paper, stationery and more.
25 pages of websets in all themes! There are also "gifts" - pretty little badges you can download.
I was surprised to find something current in the webset offering department, but maybe I shouldn't have been. These are reminiscent of the old school 90's and early 2000s websets. You can also find backgrounds, buttons and other graphics.