When I was a kid, Godzilla (and other monster movies) were a staple of Saturday morning TV. Through the years I've gone to the theaters to watch some of the Godzilla movies and also caught some on late night TV but I was always just a casual viewer. I'm not very well-versed in the whole Godzilla universe. For me they were always just enjoyable (mostly) monster movies.
I recently watched the TV series Monarch:Legacy and it got me excited all over again for Godzilla. I decided that I want to make a journey through the entire collection of Godzilla films - all 38 39 of them. I'm using this article from PC Mag as my viewing guide.
I kind of started at the end as I did go out to the theaters to see Godzilla Minus One when it came out. After that I watched the original 1954 movie (not the American version where they shoehorned Raymond Burr into scenes) and I can see how this movie is an homage to the original.
I'm not going to go into great detail about the Godzilla universe - there is a surprising amount of material out there on the web about him. During the heyday of the old web there were at least 3 webrings dedicated to Godzilla. People have a passion for him! I'm just going to go on a journey through the films and let you know what I think. And if you have any thoughts, I'd like to hear them!
The Journey Begins
Godzilla (1954)
This is the one that started it all. There is an Americanized version, Godzilla, King of Monsters, but I watched the OG film. Since I last saw this when I was a kid, I didn't catch that this was supposed to be an allegory for nuclear war. Now that I've watched it again as an adult, I was surprised at how dark it was. I watched this in January 2024.

Godzilla Raids Again (1955)
This sequel was released only 6 months after the original. I found it to be meandering. I feel like there were two competing story lines, one about a love triangle and one about monsters. The film opens with Godzilla's iconic roar, which is pretty cool. We're introduced to a new kaiju - Anguirus, an anklyosaur-looking creature - as he is fighting Godzilla on a rocky island in one of the quietest kaiju fights I've ever watched. Definitely used to a lot more roaring during kaiju fights. Godzilla was killed in the first film but there are apparently more Godzillas that have been created/awakened by nuclear testing. And other flavors of kaiju, hence Anguirus. When the monsters fight it looks oddly frenetic and that's because a cameraman accidentally filmed in fast motion. In this film Godzilla meets his end by being buried under a snow avalanche but considering it took an oxygen destroyer to get rid of the first one, I think Japan should be aware there are more kaiju in their future.

King Kong vs Godzilla (1962)
I found this Japanese subbed version on YouTube. While the first 2 movies were about the dangers of nuclear war, this one takes a poke at consumerism. Kong and Godzilla meet through a convoluted set-up. An American nuclear submarine crashes into an iceberg which releases Godzilla. Meanwhile, a pharmaceutical company executive sends a team to an island to bring back the monster (Kong) living on the island - because it will create good TV ratings and therefore be good for sales? I think we're just supposed to go with it and not think too hard about the details. The island scene is racist and cringey but also, I think, a product of its time. There is a romantic subplot, as in the other movies. Kong is a goofy-ass looking monster although Godzilla is looking pretty legit. Fight scenes are very WWE-reminiscent. Also - bonus giant octopus trying to eat some islanders. Watched April 2024.

Mothra vs Godzilla (1964)
I was able to find this Japanese subbed version on YouTube. Going into this movie, I did not realize that Mothra had already had her own movie and the Japanese were already familiar with her. I was wondering why they were so casual about another monster on the scene and just put it down to kaiju-fatigue. Much like the previous movie, this one also takes a look at greed and capitalism but also has a message that we should be working together to make a better world. This was an excellent film with a more serious tone than the previous one.
We don't have a weird, tacked on love story as we did in previous films although we do have a weird situation where there is a random teacher with a group of kids who need to be rescued from an island where Godzilla and Mothra's offspring are having a showdown. It felt tacked on and unnecessary. The scenes with the native islanders on Infant Island (where Mothra and her spokespeople twins are from) aren't bad like the "native" scenes in King Kong vs Godzilla. The fight scene between the shady businessmen was surprisingly graphic and brutal. The miniatures effects were very nicely done.
Watched May 2024.

Ghidora, the Three-Headed Monster (1964)
I watched this Japanese subbed version on YouTube. In addition to Ghidora and Godzilla, we also meet Rodan (who has previously had his own movie) and Mothra returns. At the start of the movie, everyone is complaining about the heatwave the country is undergoing in January. I really felt this as on the day I watched the film we hit 117F (47C). I mean, it's June but that's still intense, even where I'm at. Anyway, there are 2 plot lines - there is a meteor storm and a UFO society looking for aliens and also a princess from a small, fake country coming to Japan to hide out in order to escape a threat on her life.
I think Rodan is the first one that appears. Apparently in his own film he was buried in a volcano? So in this film, volcanic disturbances cause earth shifting which unburies him. Godzilla awakens, bursting up from the ocean and incinerating an innocent ship. They end up meeting and going after each other, destroying the Japanese countryside in the process. Meanwhile, Ghidorah appears from one of the meteors that fell to earth and he also starts wreaking havoc. I have to say, he is one sexy Kaiju. I mean, the other monsters have tended to look kind of goofy but he is looking good! He's very sleek, his heads are nicely shaped, no derpy looking eyes. Aside from the unexpectedly good-looking kaiju, the miniatures work in this film is just beautiful.
The fairy twins from Infant Island have been on the mainland to be on a TV show (don't ask). They ask Mothra (who is currently in larval form but can still spit webbing) to come to the mainland to try to reason with Godzilla and Rodan because only all three of them working together will be able to defeat Ghidorah. What follows is a pretty amazing conversation between the monsters, with Mothra being the voice of reason and Godzilla and Rodan apparently just wanting to get back to fighting each other. Godzilla doesn't want to help because the humans are always bullying him. Rodan is also not interested in fighting off Ghidora in order to help the humans. Mothra gives up on them and ends up squirming after Ghidorah on her own. The other two relent and join the fight and all three don't defeat Ghidorah so much as drive him off. He'll be back.
Oh, yeah, there was stuff about the princess who was saved from the mid-air plane explosion by an ancient Venusian (or Martian, depending on which version you're watching) spirit and who tries to warn people about Ghidorah before he appears. There are thugs from her small, fake country trying to get her, there is a cop/reporter brother/sister duo. There's a lot going on!
I was wondering if Ghidorah represented something but I couldn't find anything in movie or web reviews about that. Well, except for one site that claimed he represented fears of satellite technology. Not sure how that connection was made and I think that was just one person's theory since I didn't see it anywhere else. This is the first movie that gave Godzilla some characterization other than rampaging chaos. He is reluctantly helping humankind, but only because it also benefits him. I am reminded of when I was watching the Monarch Legacy series they said that even though he was destructive, Godzilla was actually helping us by keeping the other titans in their world. He is a dangerous friend. Kind of. Maybe more the enemy of my enemy is my friend?
Watched June 2024.

Invasion of Astro-Monster (1965)
Here are the thoughts I had while watching this one:
- This was a dubbed version. I haz a sad - I really prefer subbed over dubbed but sometimes you just have to take what free option Roku finds for you.
- Loved the hissing from the spaceship exhaust in outer space. Remember, there is no sound in space!
- The spaceship has a periscope!
- The astronauts are armed with rayguns. Because of course we go to a newly discovered planet with mayhem in mind.
- They find a footprint trail on the planet! Honestly, I would be concerned at human-like footprints on an allegedly alien planet.
- The aliens live inside the planet because King Ghidorah/Monster Zero has blasted the surface of the planet.
- They want our help getting rid of King Ghidorah by transporting Rodan and Godzilla to Planet X to fight him. Because of course when you have an infestation of something (monsters, bugs, etc) the only clear solution is to ADD MORE OF WHAT YOU'RE TRYING TO GET RID OF.
- In return, they will give us the cure for cancer! Spoiler: it's a trick.
- The plan is for the aliens to fly to earth in their flying saucers and collect our monsters using their "nuclear skills." So rude - no one asked Godzilla or Rodan what they thought of this plan.
- This is a different Godzilla suit. I think it looks derpier.
- As with all these movies, there's a side love story. In this one, the sister of one of the astronauts is involved with an inventor. He sells an invention to a shady lady who it turns out is involved with the aliens.
- Godzilla is throwing rocks. Why is he throwing rocks when he has atomic breath?
- At the end of the fight, it turns out we're leaving Godzilla and Rodan on planet X. What??? They're our monsters! Who approved that? Also, King Ghidorah is not defeated - he has flown away.
- If you weren't wowed by the visible wires on the kaiju, maybe you were impressed with the magnetic waves that were both visible *and buzzing*.
When I watch these movies, I take notes. Because I'm a nerd and, also, I can't remember shit. If I didn't take notes the reviews would be mainly, "Yeah, that was a monster movie." Anyway, I'm doing this write up literally months after I watched the movie. I feel like there might have been more to talk about but I'm not watching this again. I have 30+ other Godzilla movies to watch. But I did find a couple of good reviews here and here of this movie in case you want to read something a little more detailed than my quick list.
Watched in October 2024 (probably).

Godzilla Links
As I mentioned, Godzilla was quite popular on the old web back in the day. Most of these links are from the Wayback Machine and I found them while I was looking for Godzilla graphics. Surprisingly, as popular as he is, there are not nearly enough graphics out there, in my opinion.
- Wikizilla, the Kaiju encyclopedia - lots of very detailed kaiju information. Want to know how wide Shin Godzilla's head was or what Mothra's various wingspans were? You can find that and so much more here.
- Kaiju Sensai Godzilla Page - old Geocities site which has some info on Godzilla. There are a few other working links on this site.
- Rodan's Roost - someone's personal page with entries about kaiju in general. Ignore the first 2 posts which seem to be pretty random.
- Godzilla Universal - another old Geocities site but this one has tons of links to other defunct sites. You can go down a kaiju/Wayback Machine rabbit hole.
- Godzilla Shrine - personal fan site with sections on Godzilla movie directors, famous landmarks seen in the films, a Godzilla timeline, brief actress bios on the Godzilla Girls - kind of like Bond Girls, but with a kaiju twist.
- Godzilla - Geocities fan site with info on Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, Ghidorah, Anguilas and links to the Giant Monster Preparedness Council attack plans.
- Barry's Temple of Godzilla - excellent fan site with lots of information. Looks to have been last updated around 2003. Sections on movie reviews, video clips (which didn't play for me), sound clips (which download a .wav file), download links to 2 godzilla novels written by the website owner, trading cards, art gallery, pics of the owner's collection of kaiju toys. Really cool site with so much info.
- Godzilla Stomp - Last updated in 2006, this is a Godzilla and kaiju compendium. There are links to the various movies, an essay section, an incomplete section with information on non-Godzilla kaiju, and more. I'm very sad that the Kaiju Internet Radio section is not working because I would have loved to have known what kind of music was used for it.
- Godzilla & Co. Monster Gallery - This site is comprised of 2 small sections: a listing of kaiju and a small blurb about them and a section with screen shots from different movies.
- Monarch Sciences - A Godzilla message board that is still active.
- Godzilla-Movies.com - News, active forums, images, and articles like 5 Tips for Creating a Godzilla Movie Marathon Night with Friends.
- Godzilla graphic - super cool huge Godzilla graphic from 2014 showing lots of Godzilla stats and facts throughout the years.