The Nellie E Saloon also known as The Desert Bar
The Nellie E Saloon (named for the copper mine that used to be on the site) is better known as The Desert Bar. It is just outside of Parker, Arizona.
Ken Coughlin acquired the land for the saloon in the late 70s and he was open for business in the early 80s. Over the years he has continued to add on to the bar and it's now a sprawling set of structures on multiple levels. It is solar powered, uses well water, and is cooled utilizing the tall towers you can see on the property. It's pretty ingenious - pads are wetted down creating cool air which flows downward.
If you want to visit the Desert Bar, you'll have to do it between October and April as it is closed from May to September due to the weather. Hours are noon-6pm Saturday and Sunday ONLY. Make sure to bring money as this is a cash only business. Once you get to the Desert Bar you can eat, listen to music and take in the sights.
The bar's creator, who lives on site, has had the area up for sale since early 2021. So far there have been no buyers but if you do take a trip up this way, it might be a good idea to check out their website and make sure everything is still up and running.

- Desert Bar AKA The Nellie E Saloon - this is a real estate site but they do have a nice write up of the Desert Bar.
- Parker Dam - If you're going to the Desert Bar, get an early enough start to your day and you have an interest in infrastructure, I highly suggest going up the road a bit and checking out the Parker Dam. It was built in the 1930s and is the deepest dam in the world - a full 73% of its height is below the original riverbed! It was necessary to go so deep in order to reach bedrock.