- NIH BioArt Source - collection of over 2000 science and medical art visuals. There is such a variety of images - animals, cells, medical equipment, anatomy, plants. From the National Institutes of Health.
- Want bug or squid facts texted to you? Of course you do! Who wouldn't? Text either "bugs" or "squid" to 833-724-8398. This is a neat service from Skype a Scientist, an organization that connects students with scientists.
I've used this before and these were the facts I got:

I took down my site's Halloween decorations and dressed it up for fall. It's the same look I had last year. I was going to try to repurpose one of my beloved old websets but after fighting with things for a while this weekend I decided to heck with it - I'm just going with the previous look. I could have made it work if I put more effort into it but there were other things I wanted to do with my weekend than fighting with code.
I did put all my 88x31 buttons on their own page. I've been thinking about doing that for a while. I really like the look of my site but it was getting super busy on that main page. I've been thinking about going through the buttons and revamping how I display them. Like, maybe I'll add descriptions of the sites, why I followed them, what caught my eye. Maybe. One day. Probably some day when I have something else that needs to be done and I will end up doing that instead. That's how a lot of things in my life end up getting done - it's not what needs to be done NOW but rather what's been on the back burner, waiting to get done.
While I was fighting with code, I had a chance to listen to several of the items I bought recently from Bandcamp Fridays: pool water blue by glaciaere, Mourning by Depressive Silence and most of Tales from the Southern Realms by Ziggurath.
It's been a pretty boring and uneventful week, which is probably a good thing. Still going to PT. I have one more month and then I'm not sure what happens after that. I can't keep taking off work to go to multiple sessions a week. I only have so much time accrued for that. My hip mobility and pain levels are definitely (slowly) improving. So, we'll see.
It's been unusually chill at work, at least in my department. I'm glad for me that it's like that! I had so much downtime last week, I was able to read far along enough in my 700+ page book that I was able to finish it this weekend. I'm hoping the rest of the year will be like this. Usually winter sees an uptick in patients (we get a lot of people moving here for the winter) but last year my numbers were lower than expected and I don't see any reason why they wouldn't be that way this year. I think part of the reason my numbers are so low is that I get very few outpatients. Usually hospitals have a robust outpatient business and end of the year is busy because people have paid their deductibles and are trying to get imaging done before the insurance resets in January.
The chonky book I referenced above was The Witchwood Crown by Tad Williams, the first book in the Last King of Osten Ard series. I am so glad I did decide to reread it because there were huge, important, vital-to-the-story things that I had completely forgotten about! This weekend I started on Empire of Grass, which is slightly shorter at 668 pages.
The book I ordered, Terrible Lizards, the dinosaur horror anthology, came in last week. I haven't read it yet but I did make a note of the stories the blogger on Prehistoric Pulp thought were the best. Funny, he panned most of the book but he has a link to a review site which gave it like 4 out of 5 stars so I'll definitely read it all and not leave parts of it unread just because someone else didn't like it.
I finished the last episode of Slow Horses this weekend. It is such a good, good show! Silo is about to start up again and I'm not caught up yet on this season of Abbott Elementary (which I have no idea why I like because it's not the kind of show I typically do enjoy) or Only Murders in the Building. Lots of good stuff on PBS - well, always, but currently playing, too. The last half dozen or so episodes of NOVA have been about the solar system and look especially cool. That's the kind of stuff I like to put on when I cross stitch.
OK, gotta run. It's almost 8 pm and I need to make my last plays on Wordscapes. It's the only game I play where I'm on a team. I joined this group on a whim and it turns out a lot of it is family! There's an elderly mother and her sister, then a bunch of their kids and grandkids. It's one of the "kids" who started the team. From reading online groups, it appears that lots of people are super serious about their Wordscapes and have expectations, if you're on a team, that you'll play a certain amount or hit a certain number of points. These people play just for the fun of playing. It's cool when we rank 1st-5th place but even if we get 23rd, someone is cheering the team on and being positive about things. This is one of the sweetest and most wholesome things I'm involved in.