So back in Weekly Wrap Up 10 I talked about getting in touch with the owner of an old graphics site to see if she would be willing to sell her graphics. They were so cute but since she was selling these back then, she only had samples up on her page, not entire sets to look at. I liked what I saw, though, and I was able to track her down. In my blog post, I had said that after the initial email she didn't reply back but just after I posted that, she did! She gave me a selection of graphics packages based on what I'd said I was interested in ... and then my ADHD kicked in hard and I spent weeks waffling over which ones I wanted. I mean, all of them, but I was paying for these and all of them would end up being really expensive!

She just recently emailed again saying that other people had shown interest in the old graphics so she put up several packages on her current website. I am now the owner of over *1700* adorable hand-drawn graphics! I feel like a dragon who has found a new mountain of gold to sit upon. I wasn't interested in every single theme, but that's what happens when you buy in a bundle. There are some totes adorbs kitties and cooking themed ones that might show up on my pages one of these days.

When I first started the pixel art section of my website, I just threw all the graphics in my images folder. And that was fine at first but then I started reviving and joining pixel clubs and collecting more graphics. But I still threw all those graphics in the same images folder. Oh, all my 88x31 buttons are also in that folder. And backgrounds. And, like, all the images. It was getting crazy in that folder! Why did I just not start at the beginning with folders dedicated to each section? Because that would have been the easy and smart thing to do and that is not the road I usually travel. I am now in the process of renaming the links in the html documents and in the images folder and putting them in their own dedicated folders. So far I've got the Kindness Rocks and Charm Bracelets clubs in their own sections.

So I have only one link this week but it's a pretty cool one. Do you hear church bells where you live? I don't. I think there are probably a few Catholic churches around that still ring bells (pretty sure it's recordings and not actual bell ringers) but they aren't in my area where I can hear them. I'm not religious and church bells don't mean anything to me in that sense but I do enjoy the sound of them. I lived in Berlin, Germany in the early 90s and on Sundays, with bells ringing all around the city, it was an absolute tintinnabulation. It was pretty awesome!

This article is about a school in Spain that is reviving the art of church bell ringing. I love that such an analog thing is happening in our very digital world. There used to be a whole language of church bells. Different tones, sequences and rhythms would relay different information. I never realized the intricacies of bell-ringing. I always just thought it was something done prior to services. Not only are there plenty of people interested in learning this lost art, there's a waiting list for the classes! Mostly retirees but some younger people, too. Anyway, really cool article, I highly recommend reading it.


Last week I talked about getting into Cattails: Wildwood Story and I've been playing it a lot this week. I'm really having fun with it. The only thing I don't like is that you're the leader of your colony and you have like, responsibilities. I'd rather just toodle through the forest, catching stuff and finding things without having to worry about all these other kitties. It is such a cute little game, though.

My son showed me Dave the Diver. He plays it on Steam and is excited about the Godzilla DLC which is why he showed it to me. I ended up buying it for my Switch and I've been playing with that today. I really suck at harpooning fish but I hope if I keep trying I'll get better!


I find that I'm reading on my Kobo more and more. I am really liking the built in light. I've just started on Tad Williams Shadowmarch. This is the first book in a 4 book series and this first book is 900 pages. I just love his writing. He is so good at world-building. I think if you read the Memory, Sorrow and Thorn trilogy, you would probably like this series.


My son and I watch some TV series together. He'll come over on a weekend and we'll watch an episode or two of something. We just finished up the last season of Peaky Blinders. Oh, man, that was SO GOOD. One of the main actresses passed away somewhat unexpectedly and I was wondering if it was going to be clunky working in her absence but it became an integral part of the story. Not sure if they had that planned or were just really good at pivoting. Next up on our list to watch together is Seven Kings Must Die which is a movie but is a follow up to the Last Kingdom series. I enjoyed the series so much, I'm really looking forward to this movie. Destiny is all!