It's been a week now of playing with my new e-reader, the Kobo Libra 2. It's ... ok. It's fine. I like its light. Not sure I'm ready to totally ditch the Kindle Keyboard, though.

This was a crappy week at work and it's all too much to go into. HOWEVER - if you are an American worker and you do not have a written contract and you are not represented by a union, you would be wise to both go through your company's policies and your state's employment laws to find out truly what rights you have. I knew that as a non-contracted, non-union employee in a very business friendly state I had very few rights. I found out last week just how few I had. I have the right to get paid for the work I do. That's pretty much it. My employer can demand I work or be on standby whenever they want, regardless of my current work schedule or even when I say I am available. What has really fired me up is the idea that I can be placed on standby with no notice whatsoever, as if I'm available for them to schedule just whenever. Which I guess I am.

I've been in kind a funk all week because of all of that. I haven't gotten much reading done and haven't even worked on my cross-stitch.

I did get in my entry for the 32-Bit Cafe's 4th Community Code Jam. Wasn't sure I was going to make it but I did and I'm really happy with it. You should go check out all the pages in the jam - everyone did a really great job!

Probably almost 10 years ago or so I got into the Hugh Howey Wool series and went down a rabbit hole of both that trilogy (Wool, Shift and Dust) and then read some fan fiction set in the Silo world which was surprisingly good. Then I branched out and read Beacon 23 and I also quite liked that. That has been made into a TV series and I just started watching that today. I've only watched the first episode so far but I am enjoying it.

I think that's it for this week. I'm going to go enjoy the rest of my weekend and try not to dwell on work. (That won't happen. But I'll try!)