As you can see from the blog dates, I took a week off. I feel like last weekend was a lost weekend. I just found it hard to get motivated to do anything at all. I pretty much only managed to binge watch the final season of Star Trek: Discovery. I didn't even get my regular housework done. I'm not a clean freak but I do like to do the basics - clean bathrooms, sweep and mop floors, etc. This weekend was slightly more productive even though I did binge another series - season 2 of We Are Ladyparts (which is absolutely excellent) but I also managed to get some other stuff done.

I have been loud in my declarations of love for my old Kindle Keyboard e-reader. I like the physical page buttons and it's small so it fits nicely in my purse. Sure, it's a little bit borked because of its old technology but I can still get books I've borrowed through Libby and I can sideload items. It seems like a lot of the modern e-readers are all about being bigger (making them too big to fit in my purse) and physical page buttons are almost a thing of the past. I was sure the Keyboard was my forever one and only.


I have been toying with the idea of getting a Kobo Libra 2. It's 7" vs the Kindle's 6" so not too big to fit in my purse, it has a built in light which the Kindle doesn't, and it gets me out of Amazon's ecosystem. I dithered about it for so long that Kobo discontinued it. I found one on eBay and I've been playing with it this weekend. It's a little weird - more square than the Kindle (but still fits in the purse!) and surprisingly laggy. I'm used to that with the Keyboard - I just thought a newer e-reader would have more pep. But I've found out how to connect to the library and borrow books and also how to send books as a file to the Libra. If you have a Kobo, you might be interested in this page.

I mentioned in the last blog post that I had signed up for an Everquest 2 time-locked server and I was worried that I might play it obsessively. I have not even fired up the game after making my character! I don't really have time - or, honestly, energy - on work nights to do anything when I get home and I haven't found time on the weekends to play. Guess I don't have to worry about being obsessive about it if I can't even manage to play it!

In addition to watching Ladyparts I also finished up Shardlake, a 4 part series on Hulu, and that was really good. If you've ever watched the BBC Cadfael series with Derek Jacobi, it gave off those kind of vibes. It was based off a series of books and I hope they have more seasons planned.

I finally finished the Robin McKillip series I was reading last time and, as much as I've loved her books, I've read like 5 in a row and I think I'm McKillip'ed out. Currently I'm reading A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas, which my mom gifted to me. In the process of playing around with the Libra, I also borrowed from the library The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest, a fantasy anthology. And I bought The Polar Bear Expedition: The Heroes of America's Forgotten Invasion of Russia 1918-1919. I've already started the book by Maas - not sure if I'm going to read the others sequentially or just read them all at once.

I had some links but I think I'm going to save them for next week.