Well, hello there! I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend. If you are in the US, this is a long holiday weekend for some of us. Not me, though. I have to go to work tomorrow. Good thing, though - management won't be there!

There are a couple of new sections to my website that I've been planning for a while and I got one of them up this week - check out my Godzilla Chronicles! I talk about what prompted this journey on the page but, basically, even though I had never been into Godzilla movies (although I did enjoy watching them occasionally) it was after I watched the TV series Monarch: Legacy that I became interested in becoming more familiar with this franchise. I'm not going to do any in-depth reviews because those are all over the web and YouTube but I will let you all know what I thought of each movie. I'm 4 movies in and my next one will be Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster.

This week I read about or watched a few things that I wanted to share with you:


I just finished a book today, The Sunset Years of Agnes Sharp by Leonie Swann. Loved it! It's a mystery involving a group of elderly people who all live together. There's a reason they are all together and that is revealed later on in the book. But they are all, each and every one, an absolute character. Oh, and there's a tortoise who has opinions. When I'm elderly, I want to be with a group of people like this.

My next read is Patricia McKillip's Alphabet of Thorn. I just recently read another book of hers and loved it so I'm ready to dive back into some fantasy.


I don't usually go to movies alone but Dune 2 was playing at the bargain theater. I had to be on that end of town for something else anyway so yesterday I went and watched it. I loved it and I'm glad I saw it on a big screen. I can't really compare what I thought of the movie versus the book because even though I read the first Dune book I only remember it vaguely. I am very much looking forward to Dune 3, which I've read is already in the works.

Sunday evenings always seem to get away from me. It's getting late so I'm going to go make a cup of tea and read a bit before bed.