Today is Mother's Day in the US. If you celebrate it, I hope you had a happy one! My mom passed away over 20 years ago but I'm lucky enough to have a second mom in my life (technically my former mother-in-law). I took her out for breakfast on Friday and bought her a book.

I am a mom myself and today I went to the movies with my son. We watched The Last Stop in Yuma County and it was really good. In fact, this was the second movie we saw this weekend. On Friday we went to see Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes and I think Last Stop in Yuma County was a much better movie.

I have a variety of video games to play but I always gravitate towards Stardew Valley. I know how to play it so I can just dive in without having to learn the controls and movements. It's cozy, like a comfortable blanket or warm sweater. I love it but I end up ignoring all the other games I have. But this weekend I decided it was going to be a No Stardew weekend and I would give some other games a chance. Abzu had been sitting on my Switch wishlist for a while and it was on sale this weekend! I have made myself thoroughly dizzy swimming in the ocean but I'm liking it so far! I also played Graveyard Keeper on Steam. I had kind of forgotten I even bought that one! Now, one can argue that this is very Stardew-like but it's not actual Stardew so I'm still good in keeping with my no Stardew weekend goal. I was going to try to play something else today but I was doing other things (like watching movies and being lazy) and it's getting late so I don't think I'll sneak in another game. But I'm glad that I gave some other games a try.

I have a couple of new sections planned for my web site and I'm pretty excited about them. I was going to work on them this weekend but got sucked into an old graphics site black hole instead. There was one site from over 10 years ago that had the cutest graphics but not much has been saved on the Wayback Machine. I did find the creator on Etsy, now selling handmade soaps and jewelry. Would it be weird to reach out and see if she has an old CD of her graphics lying around that she'd be willing to sell? I might just embrace the weirdness and ask.

Since I left this for so late in the evening and I still have to prep for the work week, this is going to be a short entry. I will see you all next week!