Well, hello there! It's been a while since I've made a blog post so I thought I would update you all.

Maya and Celine are doing just fine. Maya is being sassy as usual and Celine is off in her own little world, as usual (she is orange, you know - they have a reputation!).

I haven't been doing as much as I want to with my web site because work has been so darn busy. When I get home I'm just exhausted and don't really have energy to do much at all.

I try not to out myself too much but just to let you know what's tiring me - I am an MRI tech in a small 50 bed hospital. There is only one person in the department at a time - no tech assistant, no other MR tech, just me Monday -Thursday and the part time guy Friday-Sunday. I came from a hospital where I had a tech assitant and a transport department to bring the patients to me. Here, I have to go up to the floors, get my patients, bring them back down, get their scan done, bring them back to their room, go back down to my department, clean up and get ready for the next scan. All day long. When I first started we were slow and there were days when I only had a couple of patients. But now we're getting busier and people are transferring to our hospital specifically for MRI studies if the facilities they were from didn't have an MR scanner (and there are a LOT of smaller facilities around my state that don't have that) and it's not unusual to have 8 or 9 patients in a day. Sometimes the patients can't move and have to be slid from their bed to my scan table. Or, even if they can get in a wheelchair for me, they often need a lot of help getting positioned. There is a lot of physical work that goes with the job and some evenings when I get home I'm just spent.

I got my flu and COVID vaccines the other day and I've pretty much spent today sacked out on the couch. I hate how the vaccines make me feel BUT I don't want either flu or COVID so, what are you going to do? I'd like to say the kitties were there for me in my time of need but ... they're cats. When I got up to go to the bathroom Celine stole my spot (and my nice warm sweater) and Maya kept grumbling because I was tossing and turning on the couch and disturbing her.

I have been doing quite a bit of reading this month. I usually don't reread books but there are a few that I will. The 5 book Chanur series by CJ Cherryh is one of those. I think I first read them when they originally came out, in the late 80s and early 90s. And every now and then I love to immerse myself in that world and get to know the characters all over again. These books are space opera but they are a fun romp, not gritty and serious. I finished up all of those books and I'm now reading a novella set when the Romans were in Britain.

Turkey day went well. I preordered the dinner from Cracker Barrel so all I had to do was heat stuff up. This is the second year I've done this and I really prefer paying someone to cook all the food for me. Cracker Barrel does some weird sweet potatoes, though. Next year we're going to make our own - theirs are so candied and sweet it's too much.

I have never been into Black Friday sales - there has never been a deal good enough to make me want to brave crazy crowds. But I have absolutely no problem shopping online and I did hit up some sales. I think my best deal was a new Swissgear backpack for $40. I also bought a Steam game - Stray finally went down enough in price that I was willing to buy it. I got a few other things but nothing super exciting.

Well, that's about it for this time. I'm sure I'll think of things I wanted to say once I post this.