I wasn't really prepared to make a blog post but I needed to update the site and thought, what the heck, I'll whip something up. So, hey there!

Earlier this evening I went out to one of the movie theaters and watched "Heathers" with my son. I was a teen during the 80s but my pop culture has holes in it and this is one of many movies I didn't see when it originally came out. If you haven't seen it, it's dark humor. I really liked it! This was a special 35th anniversary showing so at the end of the movie they had an interview with one of the actors and that was a nice little extra.

It's almost the end of the month and I haven't read very many books but the ones that I have read have been hella long - like in excess of 500 pages. Still working on my Kate Elliot Crown of Stars series.

Acorn, one of the streaming channels I subscribe to, is promoting Dark Winds, which I've been interested in seeing. It's based off a novel by Tony Hillerman, who writes about police officers on the Navajo Reservation. It was a very well done series, 6 episodes in all and it was a continuing story. It was set in the 70s and it's interesting to see how things play out when you don't have a cell phone handy or if you can't look up something right away on a computer. I mean, I lived through the 70s, that's just how it was. But everything is so electronically connected these days and sometimes I forget and then it's like - "oh yeah! There was a time when that wasn't the norm."

I was very proud of the amount of stitching I had done on my never-ending cross stitch project. And then realized that one element was stitched a row out of place. Which made the other 4 elements I stitched after that one (and based on that one's position) also out of place. So I've spent a great deal of time this weekend anti-stitching. The cross-stitching subreddit calls that "frogging" because you "rip it" ("rip it" sounds like "ribbit" which is a frog sound in English, just in case someone is reading this from a place where the frogs make different sounds).

All right, well my weekend is almost over and I need to finish up so I can get to bed at a decent hour.