I finished the book I had started in the last blog post, The Sharing Knife. It was quite a disappointment! The main character was written very young and her love interest was 55. She was 18. It was kind of creepy. Also, she was quite the Mary Sue. I thought I was getting a fantasy novel - I got a fantasy tinged romance book with an uncomfortable pairing. I will not be reading the rest of the books in that series. To recover from that I bought the newest book in Lindsey Davis's Flavia Albia series. At least with that series I know what I'm in for!

A few people have told me that I might enjoy the show Veronica Mars. Yes, I know, I'm super late to the game (the show originally aired in 2004) but that's how I roll. I finally started watching it and I am quite enjoying it! I'm also watching Cowboy Bebop. I had started it but I was watching with subs and you know, sometimes I just don't want to read my TV shows. My son said the dub version wasn't bad so I restarted and that's how I've been watching it. I'm about 5 episodes in.

After posting update pictures on my cross stitch page I realized that I had mis-stitched a huge chunk (everything new on the bottom of the piece if you want to go look at the pictures) one row too high. Argh!! It was so much stitching and there didn't seem to be a very easy fix for that. I was so upset I didn't touch my cross stitch for a good couple of months. So I finally picked it up and assessed the situation and while I had to completely unstitch a leaf, I think I can save the wall section. I'm working on it now and I think I've got it figured out. Such a pain in the butt! I'm not used to having multi page patterns and I just wasn't careful enough when I moved to another page. Won't make that mistake again! I hope...