I deal with allergies all year long. If you live in Arizona, it seems to be a thing. We have temperate weather so stuff blooms all the time. Also, it is very dusty. Arizona is a crap state to be in if you have asthma (which I don't) or allergies (which I have an abundance of). That is usually what plagues me. I very rarely get actually sick. Thank goodness, since I work in a hospital and am exposed to all the bugs! But on Thursday I came down with ... something. Not sure what but I was running a fever and my skin hurt, which usually happens when I get the flu. Friday and Saturday were lost to me. I felt so miserable I didn't even want to read or play on the computer. And I've got to tell you, it sucks being sick when you live alone. No one to make you hot tea or soup or just listen to you whine. Just a couple of needy cats who still demanded breakfast and dinner ON TIME regardless of how their mom was feeling. I mean, they did cuddle up with me when it wasn't meal time but it's just not the same as having someone care for you. Today I'm doing much better - no fever, just a cough, stuffy head, sneezing. I'm glad I wasn't like this at work but I hate that my weekend was wasted being sick.

Once I started feeling better I did get a chance to watch the newest Dune. I've read the book and seen the series that was on SyFy in the early 2000s so the story wasn't new. But I liked this version and I'm looking forward to part 2 later this year.

I finished up April with reading 11 books! Most of them were in the Penric and Desdemona series, which I have now sadly caught up with. Since I enjoyed Lois McMaster Bujold's style of writing so much, I started on a new series of hers, The Sharing Knife series. I'm currently reading book 1, which I managed to borrow from the library to read on the Kindle. I enjoy reading on the Kindle but the library's selection of available books is real hit-and-miss. I understand why because of how ebooks are licensed to libraries but it sucks when I'm in the middle of a series and the next book isn't there.

OK, I think it's time for some more hot tea.