Well hello there and Happy (almost) Easter! Goodness, it's been a while. What's been going on with me? Well, let's see -

I usually read several books a month. January was a pretty good and typical month - I finished 9! But then something happened in February. I just couldn't seem to finish anything! I started and gave up on *4* books. I did eventually finish a paltry two books that month. It is so unlike me to not be able to find something to read. I mean, I'm always reading - magazines, stuff on the internet - so it's not like I wasn't reading at all in February. But I usually manage to do better in the actual book department. I think part of the problem with the books I chose were just that I wasn't in the right frame of mind for them. Have you ever had that happen? You start to read a book and put it down because you just can't. But then you pick it up again and it ends up being super awesome and you can't fathom what your problem was initially. That happened with me with Tad Williams' The Dragonbone Chair years ago. Couldn't get into it at first but let it rest for a while and then couldn't put it down. I think another thing that wasn't helping is that 3 of the 4 were library loans. I was feeling pressured to read them in a certain amount of time and that makes the usually enjoyable past time of reading seem almost like an assignment. I did better in March, though, finishing 8 books. It helped that I found an engaging new-to-me series and I just tore through those books. If you liked Jim Butcher's Dresden Files you might like The Jubal County Saga about a white trash backwoods magician. The author says it's Jim Butcher meets Bill Faulkner - you can check them out here.

I'm continuing with my pixel adventures! I finally got comfortable enough to make something for a thing! I made a teacup for the Afternoon Tea Club. I am so proud of my little teacup! Now I wonder if I can attempt a Teeny Tower room. Hmmm....

Kitties are doing well. Maya has an appointment next week to recheck her kidney function. It's always such a production getting her to the vet - she protests SO LOUDLY. I mean, she's a cat, it's to be expected. But she takes it to a whole other level. She is so obnoxious the vet staff usually throw us into an exam room before they are really ready for us because otherwise Maya is disturbing the other animal clients. Last time we went they literally tossed out a pet family and didn't even clean the room before putting us in there. I can't blame them - she really is a pill. Usually I'd bring in Celine as well but testing and exam fees for both of them ends up being quite expensive. I just had to get a new condenser for my car's A/C (where I live it can get to be 115F/46C and those temps just make A/C non-negotiable) and a new battery. My car takes some fancy AGM battery instead of a normal car battery which of course makes it more expensive! Anyway, I'm sure Celine will not be upset about not getting dragged to the vet with her loud, annoying sister.

Tomorrow I have a get together with a bunch of cat lady friends of mine. We all got to know each other while volunteering with a local cat rescue. None of us volunteer with that rescue anymore but we still meet twice a year. We've been doing this for at least 20 years now. It's always fun to hear what everyone has been up to and how everyone's cats are!

I'll be having the family over for an Easter meal on Sunday. My 2nd mom (actually my ex mom-in-law - I know, it sounds weird but she's truly like my 2nd mom) always brings me Jelly Bird Eggs from See's Candies. I love those so much! Except the green ones. Those are gross. I hope she never feels I am too old to be given Easter candy!