As I was going through my Sunday morning routine this past weekend, I was thinking of the rituals we do that make up our lives. I have 2 in partiular - a daily one and a weekend one.

Every Sunday morning I read an honest-to-god actual newspaper that gets delivered to me in the wee hours of the morning. How is that for retro? Funnies are always read first! Family Circle, Pearls Before Swine, Baby Blues, Foxtrot, Pickles and Luann. Then the rest of the paper in no particular order although I read all of it except for the sports section.

Then I turn on the TV and watch YouTube. Every Sunday Mann Shorts puts out a new episode of Dungeons and Dragons skits, Glen and Friends makes a recipe from an old cookbook and Paul and Rebecca Whitewick go on an adventure looking for Roman roads, abandoned railways or old canals.

That's my weekend ritual. During the workweek I get up early enough to enjoy a cup of coffee and read the newspaper on the iPad before I have to get ready for work. I really need that little bit of time in the morning to myself to make my day go right.

I'm curious ... what are the rituals that you go through? If you are inspired to share with me you can either email me or let me know on my profile.