I haven't gotten much done on the site lately because aside from my usual spaciness I have gotten sucked into a book series. Not the worst thing in the world to happen! This is a 10 book series - the Aelf Fen series by Alys Clare. It's set in England, in the very late 1000's, just after the Norman Conquest. When the story starts, the main protagonist, a village girl who is learning to become a healer, is just 14 but I do believe this is an adult, not a YA series. This is a little bit of a murder mystery/little bit of fantasy (the healer starts with having the power to dowse for water and develops other talents as the series progresses) and has been just a lot of fun until, for me, the plot in the penultimate book kind of bogged down. I have one more book to read in that series and I'm kind of taking a break. I read the other 9 in the space of about 3 weeks.

Taking a break from that book doesn't mean I'm taking a break from reading! I just finished T. Kingfisher's "Illuminations" which is theoretically a kid's book but in reality is quite delightful and perfectly able to be enjoyed by adults. There is a crow in it whose antics regarding shiny things reminds me of the crow Jeremy in Secret of NIMH. Love it!

And I have just started on John Scalzi's Kaiju Preservation Society and am enjoying it so far.

Not much else is going on. Cats are doing fine. I found a commercial low-phosphorous food that I'm trying out to keep Maya's kidney levels in check. They are not sure about this new food - they aren't outright snubbing it but they MUCH prefer Fancy Feast.

Most of my holiday shopping is done. I have one more person to shop for and that's it. I put up the jingle bell wreath on the front door and hung lights around the door. I was too tired to climb the ladder and put lights across the carport. I will work on that next weekend.

Only a couple more weeks left in this year! I feel lately like time is just flying by. There is an interesting article on why we perceive time going by faster as we age: No, It’s Not Just You: Why time “speeds up” as we get older.