I named this Second Post and I guess I can keep naming them in an ordinal mannner (ordinal-ly?) or just be normal like other people and date them only. I usually feel that normal is overrated but I might give it a try in this case.

I got books in the mail the past couple of days! I need to stay off Kickstarter because I find too much neat reading material on there. The first set of books are from Joshua Palmatier. He's an author and has his own press, Zombies Need Brains, which specializes in anthologies. I've got several of his anthologies already. The latest in my collection are now:

  1. Brave New Worlds: "...stories that follow humanity's long dream of traveling to the stars, from heart-wrencing departures from Earth, through the unknown dangers of the long flight through the cold vastness of space to the immigrants' final arrival on an alien world."

  2. NOIR: "...tales of intrigue and danger, introducing you to worlds where information is currency and life is cheap."

  3. Shattering the Glass Slipper: "Discover worlds where the Seattle Space Needle acts as Rapunzel's Tower; where seven princesses plot their own rescue from the fae; where a magice mirror is connected to an app on your phone...and shows you more than you may be able to handle."

And I also got 2 books in a series that is being reprinted, Pangur Ban the White Cat and Finglass of the Horses by Fay Sampson. These are labeled as middle grade (ages 9-12) and seem to be similar to Narnia although it claims to be "wilder and less safe" than Narnia. They're made for kids but a good kid's book can be engaging and well worth reading no matter how old you are.

In other news, Maya cat has been battling a UTI. When I initially brought her in they couldn't get a urine sample so we just opted to put her on antibiotics and hope for the best. She did good while she was on them but once she finished that course, all her symptoms came back. Back to the vet but at least this time they were able to get a sample and it turns out she has an infection that needed a different type of antibiotic. So now we're on another, longer course of meds. She hates taking her meds and she fights me all way. ...sigh...25 more doses!